Is the Border “Crisis” Just Another Hoax? Read Dr. Peter McCullough's Shocking Take!
Dr. Peter McCullough is a distinguished internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist. He is globally recognized for his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing expert advice when few other doctors would publicly stand for the truth. Coauthor of The Courage to Face COVID-19, he advocates for patient well-being over governmental, pharmaceutical, or deep state interests.
This is a 4-part series. In part 4, this brave whistleblower presents a controversial theory about what may be yet another incredible hoax being perpetuated the world. Trigger warning: what Dr. McCullough told me is something I have not heard anyone else in media suggest. It may run counter to your beliefs. Still, I implore you to give it consideration if you truly seek the truth.
MA: What, if any, connection do you see between the possibility of another pandemic, mass migrations, and the potential for World War III? Are these events interconnected?
PM: The common theme here is instability and disruption. Our challenge continues to be discerning what's real and what's not. Virtually every country right now is telling a similar story about border insecurity. In the U.S., we hear about it basically morning, noon, and night. When I recently went to France, the people there said, "We've got a border crisis!" In Germany, they said the same thing. Recently, there was a mass protest in Sweden over this issue. Justin Trudeau in Canada has declared a border crisis for Quebec.
Yet when I was in Iceland, I happened to read a fascinating op-ed that said, "We have a fabricated border crisis." This led me to wonder: Can all these countries simultaneously be having a border crisis? Can this be real—that so many people are migrating in every direction? Or… is it manufactured instability?
The interesting thing about the border crisis here in America is that 99.9% of the people who come up to me to talk about the border crisis tend to be right-wing. Now, if you take another source of instability—the climate crisis—99.9% of the people with this concern lean left. It makes you wonder: How can crises be segregated into political parties, if they're true crises we face?
MA: That is curious. I can’t help but think there’s something deeper going on here when you put it in those terms.
PM: Speaking of instability, here’s something else that’s curious: The war in Ukraine. Have you noticed there are no embedded reporters covering this conflict? Not to sound conspiratorial but we're told there's a war in Ukraine, that’s it’s been going on for years, yet there are no reports of battle lines and what's been captured and what hasn't.
You turn on CNN or Fox News and there's no report showing where tanks are despite the availability of cell phones and a public willing to post almost any picture of events in their lives. There are no aerial battles being waged, no soldiers parachuting in, no tank battles, no mass humanitarian crises shown to us on newsreels or in posts. And yet, we're constantly told large sums of money are being sent to Ukraine from all over the world, not just the United States.
We're told all these things we can't corroborate for ourselves. This brings us back to your earlier question. If we could corroborate things for ourselves, if we could actually see a climate crisis, if we could go out and observe migrant camps being built in front of our houses, we could say, "Yes, there is a crisis." Instead, we're shown what's called clickbait.
MA: What you’re saying is not something I have heard from anyone else. It’s mind-boggling to think the border crisis could be manufactured.
PM: I know. I’ve personally looked into this because the press has asked me health questions concerning migrants. Some media outlets claim there are 10 million people who have entered the United States. I recently went to a dinner lecture by Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick of Texas. He says we're at 13 million. Governor Abbott of Texas says for sure six million have come into Texas. These are large numbers. We have 30 million people living in Texas; six million additional people without homes or jobs would be really hard to hide.
Ask yourself this: what percentage of people does it take to trash a city? I went to San Francisco recently, and it is trashed out. You can see homeless people on almost every block. I saw it with my own eyes. The answer is 7,500 homeless people in San Francisco can trash the entire city. You can't miss 7,500 people homeless on the streets.
So, if 6 million people came to Texas, we would see them up and down the highways. We would see migrant camps all over, just like the homeless camps in San Francisco. It would be unmistakable. Now, I'm located in Dallas-Fort Worth, six hours from the border. I've been on the ground. I will vouch for the fact there are no migrant camps. I've also been to San Antonio. I had some time recently, so I hired a driver to take me around. I will tell you outright: No migrant camps can be seen two hours from the border. I've given public programs in well over 100 US cities over the last year, including in Alaska. I've been in many hotels in many cities. And again, I can tell you, I saw no migrant camps.
MA: That’s a bold claim.
PM: I don’t disagree. People say to me, "Dr. McCullough, you're denying a big problem." They've also said, "Listen, migrants are being put on secret planes and on secret buses, and they're being given secret credit cards."
MA: And what do you say back?
PM: I say, “All of those things are trackable. If anybody can take pictures and put together a report, show us the fleet of planes. Show us the buses. Show us the money. We could easily figure this out."
Meanwhile, I've checked the Department of Homeland labor statistics. The workers in the farm fields are contracting, not expanding. The school systems in Texas are contracting, so there's no new migrant kids going to schools. The emergency rooms are also not overflowing. I'm a doctor, I can tell you. That's not the case.
To be fair, the southern border encounters reported by US Customs and Border control is growing. But it’s been growing at about 5% per year for some time. Is there a lot of action on the border? For sure. Are people taking pictures of it? For sure. But is there a border crisis where massive numbers of people have entered the U.S. that just happens to be concealed perfectly with no means of detection?
I think the answer is no.
MA: What about other countries?
PM: When I was in France, I couldn't see the border crisis there either. When I went to Germany, I couldn't see it. When the Swedish people protested recently, I asked, "What are they protesting over?" It turned out there was one migrant who committed a crime or something they were protesting.
To reiterate, there's always been border problems. If you read Cormac McCarthy’s The Border Trilogy, there's always been chaos on the American border. There were border problems during Trump’s presidency, which is why he tried to build a wall. Don’t get me wrong—there continue to be more migrant encounters with the U.S. Border Patrol reporting more movement at the border.
But I've been to too many places for me to somehow miss seeing this migrant “crisis” we continually hear about.
MA: Couldn’t the migrants be housed in hotels?
PM: I hear that particular claim a lot too. As I mentioned, I've stayed in well over 100 U.S. hotels in the last year or so. I’ve seen no migrants in these hotels. I've even looked into the U.S.’ hotel room capacity. The total is five million. Assuming the number of migrants is really 13 million, that would mean every single hotel room in the country would be filled with these people. I'm in Texas. If six million people really came here, we'd be stepping over the camps on all of our streets.
MA: Again, this is not something I’ve heard before so I’m still processing what you’re saying…
PM: When rational people start to think through all this, they realize, You know what? It must be an exaggeration. And it's important to note that those who accept a border crisis almost instantly reject a climate crisis.
MA: Interesting point.
PM: And I say, “Well, if you’re willing to accept that we have a border crisis, why don't you accept the climate crisis?" It's also curious that these two “crises” have become political issues. Here’s my analysis: there probably is some reality to both arguments, but they're greatly, greatly exaggerated.
MA: Returning to the border, what’s the end goal if the crisis really is exaggerated?
PM: Short-term because both of these “crises” are so polarizing, it allows certain people or certain groups to leverage political issues. If you're a Republican who wants to leverage the situation, you might say, “Let's just keep talking about the border. That's the one thing we can win on.”
Can the Republicans win on great fiscal discipline and prudent spending? No. They've been terrible on both. Can they win on their pandemic response? No. A Republican administration brought in Dr. Antony Fauci. They locked us down. They gave us the “vaccines.” They really can't win on anything. But they think they can win on the border crisis.
MA: What about the left?
PM: As for the left, have they done well with the economy? No. We've got cripplingly high interest rates and out-of-control spending under this administration. Have they done better on education? Not at all. It’s a trainwreck. Have they managed foreign affairs well? No. We've got conflicts brewing all over. Not only that, but the Saudis just ended the petrodollar arrangement that gave us our world reserve currency status. But they feel they can win on the climate crisis. Do you see a common theme here?
MA: Zooming out from these so-called crises, how should people discern what’s really going on for themselves?
PM: For a few years, I was the Chief of Cardiology at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. I love Missouri. It's the "Show Me State." Whatever we are being told, we must do our own research. We must ask to be shown whatever it is the media is claiming. We must think for ourselves. That’s one lesson the COVID scam taught us.
MA: Final question: How do you manage to combat all the evil that's out there and stay positive, especially for the future?
PM: If anything has a premium right now, it’s the truth. The reason I went through the border crisis with you is that I think I'm giving some insights into the truth—no matter how the politicians or the media try to spin reality. If you look outside your window right now, I would bet you don't see migrant camps.
The same thing rings true with the climate crisis. I don't see a climate crisis. It may be a little hotter some days, but I grew up in Texas. When I was a kid, we had many more days where the temperature topped over 100 degrees than we do now. My point is on all these matters, we must seek out the truth with our own eyes. We must demand to be shown the truth instead of simply going along with the narrative—whether it’s coming from sources on the left or the right.
What keeps me positive is the fact courage is really derived from truth. If you know the truth, you can be courageous when you settle it in your mind. My specialty is not the border crisis nor climate. My area is medical. I’ve been all around the world speaking out about this great medical controversy we've been in.
I can tell you, COVID-19 was utterly misrepresented to us. We were told it was far more lethal and far more unassailable. Authorities seized that narrative. Abusing their power, they forced the population to lock down in fear. After that we were told we could wait to be “saved” by an experimental treatment dressed up as a vaccine.
We were completely deceived—wholesale—about the pandemic. But wholesale fraud hasn’t gone away just because that “crisis” is over. Mass deception is
going on elsewhere right now. This is why it’s so important for people to read articles like this and watch podcasts like yours. The truth gives us courage. We must never stop questioning. We must never stop demanding to be shown what’s really going on.
MA: The more we can dispel the lies and the more we can live in truth the better chance we have to turn things around. Thank you, Dr. McCullough, for your courage. Most of all, thank you for your ceaseless pursuit of truth.