Soon the Bad Guys Will Control Your Brain?
Getting fined for keeping your business open in a lockdown robs your wallet. Being forced to stay in your home robs your liberty. But having someone else control your thoughts will rob your humanity.
Sound spooky? It should.
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And it’s brought to you by none other than Elon Musk—our supposed savior—who just happens to be on the 2008 list of World Economic Forum Young Leaders. The same guy who “was shaped by a technocrat grandfather.”
Anyway, the dystopian world of brain implant technology has arrived. Spoiler alert: it will not bring the utopia it promises—no matter what lies the globalists use to sell us on it.
Here’s an example of such deceptive marketing.
For the tens of thousands of Americans living with degenerative motor function diseases like Parkinson’s, ALS, or Multiple Sclerosis (MS), such a cure-all device sounds too good to be true. Many of us have long dreamed of solving such horrific brain-body disorders.
If we could eliminate such suffering, why wouldn’t we? At least that’s how the media framing goes.
For now, the promise of finding once-impossible treatments through brain impulse manipulation is supposedly driving Elon Musk’s Neuralink. According to Musk, Neuralink has created “an implantable, brain-computer interface capable of translating thought into action”—again for the purpose of benevolent medical intervention.
On the surface, the potential seems miraculous.
But to anyone who’s paying attention, it’s a Faustian bargain. Just consider these concerns from Science Alert:
And what if the tech normalizes to such a point that it becomes mandatory for future generations to have a whole-brain implant at birth to combat illegal or immoral behavior (however defined)?.... There's also the issue of security. If we've learned one thing from this era of "smart" everything, it's that "smart" means exploitable.
Whether it's your fridge, your TV, your car, or your insulin pump, once you connect something to something else you've just opened up a means for it to be compromised.
Over the years, Musk has repeatedly expressed altruistic intents. Example: Tesla is supposed to save the planet from gas-guzzling cars.
Now, one of those acts of “good” involves bringing to market digitally controlled brain implants to counteract misfiring electrical impulses. But Neuralink will surely go far beyond just eliminating unwanted neuro-signals.
Already, Musk imagines stimulating brain areas controlling basic functions like vision, hearing, speech, and more. He even contemplates a day when people born blind could have their eyesight restored via implants.
But there’s a catch.
Assuming we can override a brain’s dysfunction to make it do what we want it to do, what’s to stop someone from overriding other brain functions without our permission and/or against our will?
Sound far-fetched?
Think about it this way. Someone has to code and program the brain software driving the brain hardware. Now, what if that person introduces an error causing unintended consequences in your brain? Or worse, what if your cerebral digital program or interface gets hacked or suffers a bug?
This won’t be in even the same universe as contracting a computer virus or needing to get a new laptop because yours got hacked. Here’s just one concern. If brain implants can control your movements, there’s little to stop others from exercising this control over you once you’ve been chipped.
Already, we live under Surveillance Capitalism. Our data is routinely bought and sold and used against us for profit. Once we are all neura-linked, what’s to stop globalists and their abettors from controlling our very actions?
Just imagine a world where it’s physically impossible to resist tyranny.
That’s what we are up against—and what we must fight against with all we got. Especially since this all comes to us from a pseudo-freedom fighter.