Thanks to ESG, Was This Your Last Normal Christmas?
The warmth of a home-cooked meal. Gatherings around the fireplace. Piling into the family car to visit relatives across town or out of state.
Let’s hope these don’t just go away—that they don’t become forgotten relics from the past. But if the promoters of the ESG agenda get their way, the holidays we just experienced will never be the same.
While acronyms like NASA, FBI, CIA, IRS, and other government agencies may be household names, the set of policies and practices belonging to ESG are less well known. For now.
Unfortunately, your future is already being shaped by its proponents.
Doomsday climate predictions over the past half century set the stage for fear-based, virtue-signaling manipulation of markets. Throw in powerful new technologies and data harvesting, and you’ve got a threat unlike any other.
So, what must we know about these powerful three letters parading as the newest global Messiah?
Unlike some spook agency, ESG refers to three areas of emphasis affecting business, policy, and legal decisions around the Environment (E), Social issues (S), and Governance (G).
My coauthor David Prescott and I know a thing or two about ESG. We just wrote the book Creative Destruction: How ESG Mandates Are Destroying Capitalism, Costing You Money and Wrecking America (soon to be published by Greenleaf in 2024.)
Our message to readers: Don’t be fooled by the hype.
Whether you realize it or not, many of the products you buy, regulations you abide by, and even our cultural artifacts come from this simple-to-label but hard-to-define acronym.
It’s important to note a healthy society already cares for all three areas highlighted by ESG. We should want to take care of our communities and environment. We should wish to stand up for justice and mercy. And we should desire to seek the best governing practices we can.
After all, our nation was founded on the belief that rightly-ordered self-interest could and should exist. When our freedoms and limitations are held in proper balance, great societies can and do flourish.
But what happens when we lose our common moral ground—when we give too much power to those who have no interest in truly bettering society—but instead, wish to control it?
You know that answer.
Before long, our smart devices track our every move—not for our convenience or safety—but to report our compliance to the ESG police.
Worse, it’s happening all around us. And worsening by the day.
Case in point: The Biden Administration began leveraging environmental concerns for political power early in its tenure. Of all the pressing issues we face, who knew that the state of our environment presented a “clear and present danger” akin to threats like terrorism and inflation?
The repeated message—regardless of truth—aims to convince us the E in ESG should come first in our hearts and in our handheld devices. Never mind how harmful the forced EV revolution is to the actual planet we live on.
But ESG’s impact reaches far beyond environmental concerns.
The acceleration we’ve seen in our culture regarding issues of sexuality, religion, morality, and social justice issues are no coincidence. The rise of awareness driven by ESG ideals push corporate images, ad campaigns, and even popular “values.”
You may think you control your own beliefs, but odds are strong someone else in the ESG world has led you right where you are. (And your kids.) From the corporate world to college campuses, governing boards are feeling the same pressure to bow to the ESG mafia.
You know the drill: Cross the line and you get de-platformed. Say the wrong thing and you find yourself-de-banked. Soon, every business decision and/or board vote will become an act of political and social survival.
Hope you liked the holidays, America. If the ESG mafia gets their way:
· Home cooked meals will come meat-free. (Enjoy the bugs!)
· Fireplaces will be outlawed. (To halt climate change.)
· And you won’t be driving far (in your 15-minute city.)
ESG is the new social credit system the elites are building all around us in the name of collective virtue. Sounds a lot like totalitarian China to me.