The WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Soon Wreck Your Life
Part II of Our Interview with Whistleblower Dr. Meryl Nass.
Listed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World, Dr. Meryl Nass has consulted for the World Bank, the Government Accountability Office, and the US Director of National Intelligence on the prevention, investigation, and mitigation of chemical/biological warfare and pandemics.
Dr. Nass works for Children's Health Defense, and helped edit three of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s books. She’s given six testimonies to Congress and has spoken to state legislatures on bioterrorism, Gulf War syndrome, and vaccine mandates. Dr. Nass founded Door to Freedom to fight the WHO's sovereignty grab and the Great Reset.
Q: In Part I, we discussed the WHO Pandemic Treaty in general. Now, I wish to talk about how it will affect our everyday lives. The Treaty gives enormous power to the WHO. What does this look like in practice?
A: Anything pertaining to health, even in broad terms, can be fodder for more centralized control and more regulations—all under the banner of healthcare. For instance, climate change supposedly affects health. Therefore, climate change could be termed a threat to health, and the WHO could, for example, order a weather lockdown under its “One Health" authority.
Extrapolating out, when it comes to almost anything you can think of, it’s not hard to link it to a supposed health concern. Example: gun violence. As we saw in New Mexico last fall, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham tried to use this supposed health concern as pretext to restrict our second Amendment rights.
This is a preview of the totalitarian power grab the WHO seeks. Should the Pandemic Treaty go through, the WHO will have carte blanche to assign anything as a “One Health” matter, usurping our constitutional rights.
Now think of transmittable diseases or hazardous materials. You can easily see how even trade or transportation could fall under the WHO’s purview—all in the name of health and safety. And we saw how well they “protected” our health and safety with COVID-19.
Q: I’m still not clear on “One Health.” Can you explain what this is?
A: According to the WHO, “‘One Health’ is an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals, and the environment…”
Q: Um. That sounds both vague and all-encompassing. What types of public sectors would the WHO claim to have jurisdiction over?
A: If the Treaty is ratified, The (non-elected) Director-General of the WHO stands to acquire major concentrated powers under the “One Health” model.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is this person. Incidentally, he is not a physician.
If ratified, Ghebreyesus can declare medical emergencies based on “crises” like pollution, climate change, even loss of biodiversity.
Q: Biodiversity?
A: Yes, species loss. But there’s something even more sinister afoot here. Should we suffer another “pandemic”, the WHO can demand all complying nations seek out and share biological warfare agents.
Q: Wait a minute. What did you just say? Countries are supposed to seek out biological warfare agents?
A: Potential pandemic pathogens, yes. All nations are instructed to go out and start swabbing people, bats, wastewater, environmental sources, etc. to find new viruses or bacteria that might cause pandemics and share them with the WHO.
Q. That’s a terrible idea for so many reasons. Now, let’s talk about power centralization. It sounds like individual nations and citizens will soon have much less say in how they live and govern themselves. Is that true?
A. Yes. The attempted centralization of power we are seeing is unprecedented. We may think it’s illegal according to our Constitution, but if nations go along with it—and most of nations in the West have been taken over by globalists—then fighting it becomes very difficult.
Q. How difficult?
A. For starters, the globalists make their own rules about how to go about this. Right now, they're asking countries to sign up. There will be some regime for accountability and compliance, but we don't know what it is yet, though the WHO was supposed to fully disclose that to all participating countries months ago.
As most of us read the Constitution, we think it can't possibly allow us to be subjected to something like this so overtly, taking away our free speech, our right to access information, our right to work, our right to control our bodies without government dictates.
The problem is that if you have an administration willing to turn on the people, then trying to solve problems through our own legal system is very difficult, very time consuming. And very expensive.
Fighting back will take millions and millions of dollars. Worse, many of the judges now appear to have underlying biases. Often, it's easy to observe their prejudices as they tend to make judgments based on the person who put them into office. So, if a Republican put them in, they tend to make judgments favoring Republican issues, etc. This has been shown over and over again by each party respectively. Unfortunately, we've got a system where judges, because they are appointed in general by politicians who belong to parties, tend to favor those parties.
Q: Okay. Let's imagine it’s 2026, and the Treaty did go through, and they said that you, Dr. Nass, were saying things against the official narrative. Who would be the policing entity? Is it the UN Army? Who is going to police this in the respective nations?
A: Each nation responds by policing their own lawbreakers, just as they do now. This is similar to President Biden creating a “misinformation” task force and shutting down channels, as did with YouTube, and revoking licenses, or work capacities, such as medical licenses. Each complying nation agrees to this—the willing surrender of their sovereignty—to the WHO, regardless of what we thought were Constitutional guarantees against this sort of thing. And the enforcement will come from the respective nations as regards their own people.
Q: So one global organization, the WHO, could soon craft policies revoking our freedoms, our licenses, and our ability to work? And our government would just go along with it?
A: Yes. You may think, “They can't just give away our sovereignty.” You’d be wrong. The Pandemic Treaty and the International Health Regulation Amendments demand sovereignty be turned over already, and that nations pass the laws needed to carry out the WHO's policies. The globalists absolutely do not have national allegiances.
People must understand this is a Great Reset. A New World Order. Powerful elites wish to impose their will on us. It’s actually not about health at all. They’re just using that as the pretext, taking away our freedoms under the guise of public health.
Q: But why?
A: Everything comes back to health. Now it’s being weaponizing against us.
Tune in next week to learn how to stop the WHO!