“We Are at War”

“We Are at War”

Michael Yon, a former Green Beret, has worked in dangerous environments much of his professional life. He earned spurs living and traveling in nearly a hundred countries including years in various wars and conflicts. These include Iraq, Afghanistan, China, India, Bhutan, Vietnam…and now—our own backyard.  After spending more than half his life overseas, Michael Yon returned to United States in 2020 after sensing civil war and other wars growing in our belly.

Q: You say, ‘we are being invaded.’ That’s a bold statement. Can you please explain what you mean?

A: Tens of millions of illegals are pouring into our country every single day. It’s unrelenting. This last August alone, in one month, 82,000 unvetted illegals came in through the Darien Gap. That sounds like a lot, and it is. But that is just one place illegals cross. It doesn't include Canada, Florida, or any of the other many spots on our vast, wide-open border.

Q: Can you give us a sense of the invasion’s scale?

A: We’re talking multi-millions per year. There are so many illegals in the U.S. now that even the Department of Homeland Security cannot make a precise headcount beyond “millions.” Still, from recent estimates, I would say 20,000 per day cross U.S. borders. From this calculation, that means we are talking about 600,000 a month or 7 million a year. And that number, horrifying as it is, is on the rise.

Q: How can you be sure you’re right about these eye-popping figures?

A: I'm out here on the frontlines seeing this invasion—I am literally at the Darien Gap now witnessing this sea of humanity. I can tell you Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas isn’t being honest with Americans. I read the Homeland Security reports while I am here on the ground. I can’t overstate this: their migration numbers aren’t even close to being accurate.

The bottom line is the International Organization for Migration (IOM) office, next to the Panama Canal, is allowing this. It’s encouraging and abetting it. What’s worse? The U.S. is the number one funder of our own invasion. That’s right. Our own government—along with the German and Canadian governments—are the top three funders of this crisis.

If IOM is the engine for the invasion, migration is the main pump. Meanwhile, The Organization of American States (or OAS)—which is now deep-red Communist—is on the street facilitating the coup. This once-U.S. Army staff headquarters is now Communist HQ. Quite literally this is what you’ll see if you come here. This is Communist ground zero for our hemisphere, right here—where I am now.

Q: The public has been told a different story: that these migrants represent families comprised of women and children seeking the American Dream. What’s the truth?

A: They aren’t entering for the “American Dream.” The vast majority flowing into our country are unaccompanied males of fighting age. Some come from Ukraine and China, and quite a few are obviously Chinese military.

Many others are clearly criminals, gangsters, and yes, terrorists. They’re the ones raping and murdering women and children daily en route to the U.S.

Q: How does this invasion factor into the Great Reset?

A: Many of the people coming here are illiterate, even in their native tongues: Swahili, Tajik, Pashtun, etc. Among other things, this creates a destabilizing force to our economy.

Consider this: As Americans suffer with inflationary prices, these illegals are given money, a phone, and a place to stay when they get here. I’ll put the question back to you: What happens when these illegals—many of whom are criminals of the worst sort—run out of money? Or food?

It doesn’t take a psychic to predict the outcome. They will turn on their hosts. If you thought what just happened in Israel was bad on 10/7, just wait. America is a big country. A trusting country. Are we prepared for wholesale domestic terrorism? Just imagine what a string of civilian murders will do to an already fractured republic—not to mention, our economy.

Speaking of which, the dismantling of capitalism will surely happen via this diversion. Our own military and law enforcement will be tied up in the ensuing chaos, weakening our armed forces and our economy. The other way this relates to the Great Reset is clearly about depopulation. The same supporters of open borders are using these illegals to that end.

Recently, on the Armstrong Williams Show, I discussed the World Economic Forum’s not so subtle plan to take down the U.S. One way to end America is to make the people combat-ineffective, to soften, and divide us. This has been in the works for decades. Now, it’s going into hyper-mode.

Q: What can the average American do to save our country?

A: First, make yourself aware of all the bad immigration laws being proposed, and vote against them. Next, share this content with others. It’s not being covered in the mainstream press—at least not correctly.

Wake people up to the fact that our country will soon disappear—along with our way of life—if we do not pressure all branches of government and the military to stop this invasion.

There’s precedent for what we are seeing. Take the Netherlands. With no wolves in their land, they passed a law protecting wolves and imprisoning farmers who killed them. Before long wolves were introduced, and they killed farmers’ cattle, which, in turn, destroyed their livelihoods. Their own government weakened the people to control them. Now, it’s happening here. It’s been happening.

Or consider Germany’s clampdowns on nitrogen in their fertilizers. That globalist-controlled government sought to control or ban this vital resource in the name of stopping climate change. What happened? We are seeing it now: widespread food shortages as farmers are forced into bankruptcy.

Last, every day, do something to trip up the beast. Do things to cause friction to the system. Don't comply. Resist.

Q: Do you have hope for the future?

A: Yes, but Americans must act now. The truth is the U.S. is in a state of war; it just hasn’t grown kinetic yet. But it will. Soon. Stay vigilant. Stay strong.

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