Why Do Horrible Tragedies like the LA Fires Keep Happening?
Depending on your age, you know just where you were when something awful occurred. If asked, my parents could tell you all about the day JFK was killed. I wasn’t around then. My own brush with chaos occurred in 2001.
9/11 has special meaning for me. I was just entering adulthood when the planes hit the towers. Like my boomer parents, I can similarly tell you details about how that day unfolded, terrible details seared into my consciousness.
Such monumental tragedies keep occurring. No generation is spared. If anything, the hits keep on coming: the 2007 financial crisis, COVID-19, etc.
The newest flavor? The L.A. fires. (Not unlike the Maui conflagration. And before that, the utter destruction of Paradise, California.)
What’s interesting about this fresh new horror is how the public perceives it. Many are waking up to the fact this was no accident. So much for the climate change narrative the media is pushing.
People ain’t buying it.
They can tell it was a premeditated crime against us.
Over the last few days, I have spoken to normies who said this. “This was no forest fire,” a friend I’ll call Roberta told me. “It was an act of terrorism.”
Roberta’s right.
As more information comes to light, it’s becoming clearer the fires were not set by coordinated homeless arsonists. Nor were they the products of fiendish illegals hellbent on burning down their newly adopted nation. And though it is true California officials were criminally negligent in their preparations and responses, that’s not the entire story.
Even the DEI aspect to this tragedy appears to be one more way to obfuscate the fact that patented direct energy weapons started the fire. If you want more information on the technical aspects, I encourage you to follow journalist Peggy Hall’s exhaustive reporting.
For now, I want to address my initial question—Why Do Horrible Tragedies like the LA Fires Keep Happening?—with another: who benefits?
The answer is simple: the deep state.
The MK Ultra program used a similar tactic on unsuspecting subjects. Trauma is the key. Traumatizing people is an effective way to control them. Frightened humans lose the ability to think rationally. That’s why legacy media TV channels ran ticker tapes tabulating COVID deaths during the scamdemic.
Likewise, 9/11 traumatized America with terrorist bogeymen. Remember when the media incessantly scared the public with stories about Anthrax and shoe bombers and Osama Bin Laden nonsense? All that fearmongering helped the deep state sell its illegal Iraqi War under false pretenses. It also justified the Patriot Act and warrantless civilian surveillance.
Returning to the L.A. fires, there are many reasons why the deep state benefits from yet another tragedy. Traumatized citizens who still buy into climate change will demand more governmental intervention. Traumatized citizens will tune into CNN for reassurance, restoring whittled public confidence. Some traumatized citizens will give up on California completely, selling their homes to financial leviathans like BlackRock, paving the way for 15-minute cities as Governor Newsom pursues his “build back better” plan.
Even if you were not directly affected by the fires, you will suffer. Insurance rates were already through the roof before the L.A. fires. Some carriers stopped writing policies outright. Now that insurance losses shall exceed $150 billion, one thing’s for sure: premiums will skyrocket.
Get ready for more pocketbook pain. And more uncertainty.
All of which leads us back to trauma. It’s a well-known fact that MK Ultra practitioners also traumatized victims to fragment their psyches. The controllers in The Manchurian Candidate used this tactic to create assassins. Now it’s being applied in the real world to the public year after year.
It's not at all some accident terrible things keep happening.
These occurrences are employed by powerful forces pursuing their goal: order out of chaos. Their “Great Work” is us. They seek to mold our psyches to their will by traumatizing us with one nightmare after another.
What didn’t they count on? An awakened public. Even the normies know something’s up. Let’s take this as a “W” and build on the consciousness shift. The more people see past the lies the less power the elites can wield over us.
Awareness is critical.
As you go about your day, talk to people about what you think is really going on. Engage people you disagree with in candid discussions. Share informational resources. As you do, you will notice a startling fact: we’re more powerful than we’ve been made to believe.
We’re the answer we’ve been waiting for.