Won’t Someone Be the Voice of Sanity?
A New Eye-Opening Q&A Series with Dr. Peter McCullough, Part 1
Dr. Peter McCullough is a distinguished internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist. Recognized for his courageous leadership during the pandemic, he provided expert advice to the U.S. House and Senate. Co-author of The Courage to Face COVID-19, he advocates for medical strategies that prioritize patient well-being over pharmaceutical interests. His work challenges many mainstream narratives to uncover truth in our times.
In Part 1 below, we discuss Dr. Peter McCullough's unique insights into the assassination attempt on former President Trump. Dr. McCullough critiques the Secret Service while offering an analysis of President Biden’s mental decline.
MA: Our last interview covered mass deceptions on both the political left and right around climate change and the border. Now, with the recent news of the attempt on Trump's life, how do you make sense of this event in light of the election and larger political context?
PM: The historical context of this is amazing. We are about a month out after a disastrous debate performance by Biden. Every day he falls deeper into what seems to be a combination of cognitive decline and motor abnormality. (It's good that part of this interview is in my wheelhouse as a medical doctor!) That said, the combination of both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's together, is a natural diagnosis called Lewy Body Dementia. People decline rapidly who have it. Every Lewy body patient I've had has ended up in a wheelchair. It's ravaging; people don't live longer than a year. I don’t think Biden has Lewy Body dementia.
MA: What other medical conditions could be affecting President Biden's cognitive and motor functions?
PM: It appears he has a combination of both Alzheimer's and a motor disorder. He's also had two brain surgeries, two craniotomies, for a ruptured aneurysm in 1998. There is now data published showing that once people have had their cranium opened and neurosurgery performed, years later, they develop cognitive decline. He’s also had chronic atrial fibrillation, and little micro strokes, that, even despite taking blood thinners, can decrease neurologic function. Worse yet, he's actually had six COVID-19 vaccines. At least that’s what publicly disclosed. Meanwhile, a study out of Korea by Rowan College shows the vaccine can cause an Alzheimer-like syndrome in some patients who have received the shot. Then finally, he has sleep apnea, and sleep apnea itself, along with low oxygen at night, can contribute to rapid cognitive decline.
MA: Can you elaborate on the motor side of President Biden's health issues?
PM: On the motor side, his presidential report by Dr. Kevin O'Connor, February 28, 2024, indicates he was significantly evaluated. There was a big team who evaluated him. What he has is not classified as Parkinson's. At least not yet. But clearly, he has trouble moving. His face has a mask-life appearance, and his voice has become weak. So, as we sit here today, I think he's clearly suffering from neurodegenerative disease that's essentially rendered him incompetent for the job.
MA: How has Biden’s decline affected the political landscape and the Democratic Party's election chances?
[Author’s Note: since our interview, Biden exited the race on 7.21.24.]
DM: Across the board there are suddenly widespread calls for him to step down, whether it be from top fundraiser and actor George Clooney or Congressman Adam Schiff. Meanwhile, Biden still doesn’t recognize his own decline. In fact, he’s adamant in saying he’s doing just fine. What's sadder is his wife Jill can't see it. She was almost hysterical after the debate telling the world how well he performed.
Zooming out, these events and more have given Trump a real headwind—even before the shooting cemented his lead. Nearly everybody can see Trump is the front runner. The Democrats don't know what to do about this problem. They don't have an easy replacement for Biden. The 25th Amendment, which would have to be invoked by Kamala Harris and the 15 cabinet members, would make her president. The Democrats are so far down this philosophy on diversity, equity, and inclusion that having her, a black woman take over, should be a no-brainer. She should be the Democratic nominee if the left followed its own logic. How could they possibly replace her with Tim Kaine, a white guy? There's no way that would fly, so now they're stuck in the ideological commitment to DEI.
MA: Given this context, what are Trump’s chances in the upcoming election?
PM: All signs show Trump has a clear pathway to the presidency. He's got the wind in his sails. All those lawsuits don’t seem to matter, neither does his felony conviction.
MA: What are your thoughts about the assassination attempt?
PM: Please see this link on my Substack for the sequence of events as we understand it 48 hours after the shooting. Next, I have spoken twice at CPAC ahead of Trump. Literally, I went on within a matter of hours. I also just spoke recently at the Libertarian convention as a keynoter ahead of Trump. Let me tell you, the Secret Service always has protocols. They always scope things out ahead of time. They don't leave anything to chance. I've watched the Secret Service in action directly myself. I've watched them integrate with local law enforcement, the local security people. It's obvious that the spot where a shooter could have eyes on Trump was left open—the rooftop of a building about 150 meters away. It was ideal for the shooter.
MA: Why do you think this critical spot was left unguarded?
PM: So, the first obvious question is: why wasn’t a local law enforcement officer not on top of that building, or a Secret Service agent? Usually, it would be the local police. Again, I've spoken at major events where security is up on the roof. You look up and you can see security in action. No one was up on that roof. That's the first observation.
The second observation is this is the first attempted assassination of a president or former president in the era of smartphones. And boy, do we have video footage, copious amounts of it from firsthand witnesses. They all actually agree with each other.
So, this young man, Crooks, apparently takes a huge ladder to the building. Then he crawls up on the building, and he does a kind of army crawl with a rifle. People can clearly see him all the while and are vocal about it.
They frantically engage local police officers, saying, “There's a man up there!” At one point, a woman starts screaming: “He's on the roof. He's crawling forward with a gun!” So, the local police must have known of the threat for four to five minutes before Trump was shot. There was four to five minutes for the local police to get on the roof and neutralize Crooks. But they didn’t do that.
There's an AP report out there that a local officer got on the roof, but no one else saw him. I can tell you that report is suspect because everyone saw Crooks doing the army crawl. They had four to five minutes to contact each other, including reaching the Secret Service down by Trump to get Trump off the stage, activating what's called an Active Shooter Protocol. Note: Pennsylvania actually has an active shooter protocol. You can find it on the state website. The first thing you do is notify everybody to get down or get into a safe position. There were four to five minutes to do that, as everyone was screaming, pointing out how Crooks was crawling forward.
MA: What do you make of the incident itself?
PM: There were two counter-snipers on top of a barn behind Trump. They were alerted either by local police or a citizen. There's a citizen, we call him the redhead. He was on camera saying that he actually got the attention of those guys and said, “There's somebody on the roof.”
So, the two counter-snipers are on the roof with binoculars. (That barn may be taller than the building Crooks was on.) They had to have seen Crooks crawling into position. They set up two tripods. In fact, the closest counter-sniper actually had his rifle ready. He gets his rifle loaded on the tripod but decides to just go low and rest his rifle. Instead of neutralizing the threat, he and the other man watch Crooks go into position with their binoculars. They sight Crooks through their rifle sights. And they still don't get Trump off the stage? They still don't message anyone to act?
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MA: How do you interpret the lack of communication and action from the counter-snipers?
PM: As a hypothetical, let's imagine the radio communication was out. What would a reasonable counter-sniper do who had no radio communication? He'd be waving like crazy down below. He’d be whistling. He would shoot his gun in the air. He would do something to alert the crowd and Trump and security down below that there is an impending assassination attempt.
If you watch the counter-sniper on any of the many videos of the incident, he appears to have Crooks in sight. He waits for Crooks to take six shots, including the shot that hits Trump in the ear, the shots that fatally kill the attendee at the event, the shots that injure two people. He waits for those shots to happen.
The sniper then carefully readies his sight, confirming with his eye for accuracy, before
taking out Crooks with a single headshot. Afterwards, Crooks stays up there for several minutes before anybody goes up on the roof. So, if a local law enforcement officer was already up on the roof confronting Crooks, he wasn’t over there right afterward to kick the gun away and make sure he's dead. There was nobody out there. Meanwhile, people are filming the aftermath. There's Crooks' dead body and no one's going up there for minutes. Finally, what we see is about three people go up at once, but much later on.
MA: Can you comment more on the actions of the Secret Service?
PM: There's another very troublesome video out there. This just broke, Michael. There appears to be a Secret Service agent down below and behind the stage of Trump. He's wearing what looks like a Secret Service outfit. He's got the standard Mr. Anderson sunglasses. Beside him, there are people moseying behind Trump with cameras.
The agent is crouched down, and he says, “Why don't you get out of the way?”
He kind of moves these people out of the way. Then he gets into a further crouched position. Then bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! There are clear shots at Trump. The bullets come. And this guy—instead of going up to defend Trump—he actually stays down behind. This is all extremely worrisome. Again, throughout all of this, no one activates an active shooter situation. In fact, one guy's apparently clearing people out of the way for a clean shot.
MA: Could this be an inside job?
PM: This is a troublesome possibility. It’s also possible someone with power convinced this disaffected young man that he could be an American hero for doing this. They may have told him that if he took out the president, he would be rewarded for his actions.
Meanwhile, all they wanted him to do is take out Trump so they could take him out
with a headshot to close the loop.
In the aftermath, we’re learning all we can about Crooks. For now, we're being told his cellphone is in Quantico, but they can't get into his cell phone. So there's this curious period of time where there's no transparency. Now, what if Crooks’ cell phone is full of messages from some intermediary or some government agency or some other collaborator? Meanwhile, more suspiciously, his social media accounts have been scrubbed.
So, as we sit here today a little more than a week after an incident that could have very well launched America into a civil war, there is substantial unity in America. Virtually every former Secret Service agent, every military sniper, and many, many civilians think this was an inside job. Amazingly, on the left and right, people think Crooks was set up to do this before being taken out himself. Such unity of thought is truly amazing in a country that was so polarized before this incident. The other unity we are seeing is a growing universal distrust of legacy media and the official storyline.
MA: That is amazing. Who would have thought the very event that was meant to divide America even more—has somehow unified the country?
PM: It shows we live in truly historic, unprecedented times.
For more on these historic, unprecedented times, please tune in next week for Part 2. My sincere thanks to Dr. McCullough for his thoughtful, courageous insights.