
Beware the Coming “Happy” Chip
By all indications, Americans face a mental health crisis of an unprecedented scale. Between COVID’s increased isolation, skyrocketing depression and anxiety, and the decay of stabilizing institutions like family and church, more people seek...
Beware the Coming “Happy” Chip
By all indications, Americans face a mental health crisis of an unprecedented scale. Between COVID’s increased isolation, skyrocketing depression and anxiety, and the decay of stabilizing institutions like family and church, more people seek...

Humans: Just a Steppingstone to Transhuman Perf...
Racist. Sexist. Ageist. Speciesist? While you were sleeping, a new taboo ideology emerged. But don’t be fooled. One of these things is not like the others. If you demonstrate bias for...
Humans: Just a Steppingstone to Transhuman Perf...
Racist. Sexist. Ageist. Speciesist? While you were sleeping, a new taboo ideology emerged. But don’t be fooled. One of these things is not like the others. If you demonstrate bias for...

Thought the COVID “Vaccine” was Rushed? Get Rea...
When it comes to our health, we like to play it safer than sorrier. Most of us won’t take a medicine until we trust it. We count on experts to...
Thought the COVID “Vaccine” was Rushed? Get Rea...
When it comes to our health, we like to play it safer than sorrier. Most of us won’t take a medicine until we trust it. We count on experts to...

Soon the Bad Guys Will Control Your Brain?
Getting fined for keeping your business open in a lockdown robs your wallet. Being forced to stay in your home robs your liberty. But having someone else control your thoughts...
Soon the Bad Guys Will Control Your Brain?
Getting fined for keeping your business open in a lockdown robs your wallet. Being forced to stay in your home robs your liberty. But having someone else control your thoughts...

Klaus Schwab Only Wants You to Travel in the Me...
You got to hand it to the globalists. They never stop telling us how to live. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), it’s too dangerous for people like you...
Klaus Schwab Only Wants You to Travel in the Me...
You got to hand it to the globalists. They never stop telling us how to live. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), it’s too dangerous for people like you...

You May Only Fly Four Times—for the Rest of You...
Ever heard of the new four-flight lifetime limit? It’s real and it’s coming soon. Even scarier? Most young people support capping the number of flights a person can take over the course of their...
You May Only Fly Four Times—for the Rest of You...
Ever heard of the new four-flight lifetime limit? It’s real and it’s coming soon. Even scarier? Most young people support capping the number of flights a person can take over the course of their...